quality commitmentQuality assurance and control is critical and obtaining accreditation for our analytical techniques is integral to the processes we operate and the results we provide.

At i2 Analytical we are committed to producing accurate and reliable analytical data using methods which utilise the latest instrumentation.  We employ known industry standards as published by the International Organisation of Standardisation (ISO), the British Standards Institution (BSI), Health & Safety Executive (HSE) and the Standing Committee of Analysts (SCA).

We operate a rigorously audited quality control system operated to leading industry standards in all aspects of our business to ensure client satisfaction.  Our management and quality systems are also rigorously audited by United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) through annual laboratory visits in both the UK and Poland.

If required, i2 Analytical can provide clients with analytical quality control (AQC) data, calibration data and chromatograms along with system suitability data in the form of a data pack as and when required for client projects or for use as part of their own auditing systems.

All samples are passed through a robust chain of custody system which is monitored and controlled by our global Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) platform.  This allows us to deliver rigorous quality control and ensure complete data integrity together with a flexible reporting format to suit individual client needs. The success of our operations is due to our effective integrated analysis approach and our efficient management systems.

Continuous development and improvement of quality management are pivotal to the continued success of our business.  A focus on innovation and the development of new analytical methods will remain a cornerstone of i2 Analytical operations into the future.

See our Schedule of Accreditation