i2 Analytical offer several data reporting options. Rigorous results are reported in a clear, concise and consistent format with all the documentation to support the validity and reliability of the data.
We can provide reports in preferred formats to meet regulatory requirements and they can be delivered using one or a combination of methods to meet individual needs. These include a soft copy, a hard printed copy, by facsimile or database format. With large projects, over a long period of time, we can either collate individual reports and format these into a monthly report or provide details on completion, whichever is most suitable.
i2 Analytical has AGS reporting capability, offering clients an electronic data transfer solution. AGS reporting is a standardised electronic data transfer of data between the laboratory and the client in a robust, easy to understand and workable format. Data items used to describe sample points and associated test results are standardised so that communication is accurate, reducing any potential for data transfer error as a result of human intervention.
As well as AGS we can also report using Earthsoft’s Environmental Quality Information System (EQuIS), another environmental data management platform that provides comprehensive data management. EQuIS enables the enforcement of standard operating procedures and best practice. It features a checking tool to ensure all electronic data submissions are correct and complete. A variety of reports, maps, graphs and trend charts can be generated.
QA data
Standard quality assurance reporting may comprise any or all of the following:
- Duplicates (either real samples or spiked samples)
- Blanks (field/trip, quality control, laboratory)
- Calibration curve fits (graphical or statistical)
- Analytical quality control data (statistics, schewart charts, precision, bias)
- Spike recovery data
- System suitability checks
- Proficiency testing data
The cost of QA data report depends on the requirement, over how long a period of time and for what parameters, so will be quoted on a case by case scenario.
Why not get in touch to find out more?