Water Testing
We can analyse groundwater, surface water, process water, wastewater and effluent water testing samples.
As part of our water testing analysis range, specifically designed to meet the requirements of the Contaminated Land (Site Characterisation) Industry, we provide environmental analysis of groundwater, surface water, wastewaters and effluents. Our clients include Environmental Consultants, Remediation companies, Local Authorities and the Environment Agency.
We have a range of state of the art equipment including high end automation techniques for the determination of a wide range of analytes in aqueous matrices. We have a broad scope of accredited tests covering volatile organics, semi-volatile organics, hydrocarbons, metals and general inorganic parameters.
Our external quality assurance participation (proficiency testing) covers all the accredited test parameters and matrices giving reassurance over the high quality and accuracy of our data.
Together with the routine testing elements, we have particular expertise in new and emerging pollutants and have a specific laboratory set up to meet the challenges associated with these chemicals.